Daisy's K-Laser Therapy Story My name is Daisy. I am a black and silver poodle mix and weigh a little under 10 pounds. I was adopted at the age of three by my current pack leaders, and I will be 16 years old soon. I have been under Dr. Carrico's care at the Animal Medical Clinic of Chesapeake for the past 12
Although I am on medicine for my heart and kidneys, the real stumper happened a couple of years ago when my pack leaders thought that I was suffering from either jaw or dental problems. After some testing to rule out both of those, Dr. Carrico diagnosed my condition as a ruptured disk and prescribed medication to ease the pain. She also recommended K-Laser Therapy.
My pack leaders were a bit skeptical about this treatment at first, especially the male one. But lucky for me my female pack leader prevailed. We signed up for 12 sessions, and my condition began to improve almost immediately. By the sixth visit I was almost back to normal and by the eighth visit I was off of the medication. For all intents and purposes my pack leaders think that I AM back to normal, but we will continue the treatments on a monthly basis for the final four. You cannot actually "see" the K-Laser Therapy except for the contraption that is used to apply it. But you can observe the improvement with each visit. And that is the clincher. The Doc and the Techs also let the pack leaders wear these cool-looking shades while I'm being treated.
So that is my story -- I am SO glad that I got this treatment. The K-Laser has healed my ruptured disk and allowed me to return to a normal life without pain. My pack leaders are relieved and VERY happy with the way things have turned out. We all recommend it.
Sincerely, Daisy.